In addition to the Toyama office, where our company was founded, we cover the nation, with 4 domestic sales offices. With overseas offices and partner companies, we have developed a global and multifaceted business.
Company name Kajimeiku Co.,LTD.
Location of head Office 10-1 Furujozuka, Takaoka-shi, Toyama
TEL +81-766-23-3322
Founded August 10, 1950
President and Chief Executive Officer Koichi Kaji
Capital ¥33 million
Sales \6.118billion(January 2024)
Number of Employees 103 (As of February 1, 2024)
Correspondent Banks Shoko Chukin Bank Takaoka Branch Office, Mizuho Bank Toyama Branch Office, Toyama Bank Head Office,
Shinminato Shinkin Bank Takaoka Branch Office, Takaoka Shinkin Bank Head Office,
Hokuriku Bank Takaoka Branch Office
Subsidiary Company Hong Kong main office : 威利佳國際有限公司 English name: REALLY GAIN INTERNATIONAL LTD.
Location: Hong Kong
Capital: HKD1,500,000.00 Owned 100% by Kajimeiku Co.,Ltd.
Contents of business: clothes outsourcing manufacturing, export, production management, quality management
Local Offices Head Office
10-1 Furujozuka, Takaoka-shi, Toyama
TEL +81-766-23-3322 FAX +81-766-23-7732
Tokyo Sales Office
Teto Building, 1120-7 Kamiko-cho, Omiya-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama
TEL +81-48-640-7100 FAX +81-48-648-7117
Osaka Sales Office
4-1-3 Nagatanaka, Higashi Osaka-shi, Osaka
TEL +81-6-6748-6900 FAX +81-6-6748-6903
Fukuoka Sales Office
3F, Towa Building, 3-5-33 Hakataekiminami, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka
TEL +81-92-483-4567 FAX +81-92-483-4566
Niigata Sales Office
2-7-20 Hayashi-cho, Sanjo-shi, Niigata
TEL +81-256-35-2700 FAX +81-256-35-2701
Tonami Distribution Center
1878-1 Ota, Tonami-shi, Toyama
TEL +81-763-34-6300 FAX +81-763-34-6310